This is going to be the first of a few posts today. I realize I've been lax the last couple of months, but now with the move and the first six weeks of teaching under my belt, I finally feel like I can have some thoughts that don't revolve around students and assignments.
So here goes: Am I the only one who actually likes that Project Runway is now an hour and a half? I've heard a lot of bitching about it on the internet, but I personally think the extra time gives the audience a better chance to really get to know some of the designers (even though we may not want to know some of them so well--Ivy). Since the move to Lifetime, I haven't been as enthusiastic about the show, but I think this season is one of the better ones of the entire series. And I think the extra half hour is one of the causes of that.... or maybe it's just Mondo.

Seriously, I just want to wrap this guy up in a blanket, give him hot chocolate, and watch movies all night. He's that adorable. He's even cute when he's bitchy.
Maybe I'm just enthusiastic because I haven't had such a clear favorite on the show for awhile. Like, not since Hot Daniel. For the past couple of years, especially, I didn't really give two shits about any of the designers beyond appreciating some of their work. But Mondo has been my favorite basically since the beginning, when he cried about not having friends on the show. Since then, he's won the respect and friendship of basically all of the other designers, come out as being HIV positive (after hiding it for a decade), and is one of Michael C's only friends and defenders. Plus, his designs are friggin' awesome. The dude can put together prints and colors like nobody's business.

And how amazing is it that he put a mustache on his model during that hat challenge? Anyway, good luck Mondo! And call me!
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